Hello everybody, hope you all are doing well
This post is specially going to entertain those who possess an eyelash curler by oriflame.when I got my package from oriflame; I came home and opened it to check everything. I have a habit of reading every detail given on the pack or the cover; I do this especially to check the date of manufacture and all in order to make sure that my consultant doesn’t sell me her old stocked up stuff. So anyways, I read on the pack of the curler that it contains an extra rubber grip. But that was not in the pack, so I called her up and asked about the same. She told me that she doesn’t know about it and will check it with someone or may be the pack doesn’t have it and she will provide me with the same.
Ok, so I was left waiting for the spare rubber strip.
Two days back, my little sister was playing with my eyelash curler; I had told her that my pack didn’t have the spare rubber grip. That intelligent curious mind was fiddling with it to figure out where the second rubber was and to my astonishment that genius found it. You can see the pictures to find out. It is given as an additional attachment to the curler and I never wondered why that extra part was there, I thought that it was some part of this machine. So thanks to my sis I found it.
(Twist the attachment by 90 degrees and detach it by pulling off, the rubber lies in the steel case)
And I was so surprised that my stupid consultant didn’t know about that. Like selling things without any knowledge about them. That’s just so foolish
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